School of Business: Recent submissions
Now showing items 141-160 of 221
Influence of Lean Quality Management on Operational Performance of Third Party Port-Centric Logistics Firms in Kenya
(International Journal for Advanced Research and Novelty, 2017-08)This research paper largely explored lean quality as proposed by luminaries of lean concept. The study aim was to propose and test conceptual model of the relationship between lean quality and operational performance of ... -
The Implications of Collaborative Industrial Attachments for Kenya Vision 2030 Development Programmes
(African Journal of Education and Technology, 2013)The purpose of this study is to establish the influence of industrial attachment on instructors’ and students’ competence in creative innovations for improved industrial output. The study also attempted to determine the ... -
The Relationship Between Information Sharing and Quality Management in the Small and Medium Beef Enterprises in Kenya
(2015-02)Research on organization economics reports a general trend towards information sharing in food supply chains. Business globalization and efficient communication via Information Technology, have forced food enterprises to ... -
Influence of Technology Adoption on Entrepreneurial Orientation amongst SMEs Operators in Kenya
(The International Journal Of Humanities & Social Studies, 2014)Small and Medium Enterprises are important for economic development and jobs creation in Kenya. They face a common challenge and as a result there is need to improve on their technological advancement and innovation. The ... -
Influence of Alternative Financing on the Relationship between Managerial Competency and Efficiency of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya
(IJFBS, 2018)Worldwide, Small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) exhibit inimitable financial needs. While SMEs remain fundamental to economic growth, their mortality rate in Kenya approaches 90% by the second ... -
The mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation on the relationship between organization capacity and performance of manufacturing small and medium enterprises
(IIPCCL Publishing,, 2018-11)This cross-sectional study was carried out to establish the eff ect of organization capacity and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) on performance of manufacturing SMEs in Kenya. The small and medium enterprise (SME) ... -
Effect of Collateral Requirement on Financial Performance of Agribusiness Small and Micro Enterprises in Nyeri Central Sub County Kenya
(International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research, 2019)Access to finance is critical to growth as well as development of small and micro enterprises (SMEs) .Most of the SMEs rely on commercial banks for financing of their enterprises. At times collateral requirement could deter ... -
Challenges Facing Women Entrepreneurs in Africa -A Case of Kenyan Women Entrepreneurs
(ijamee, 2014-06)Entrepreneurship is the engine of economic growth and wheel that pedal the vehicle of economic development and has been recognized for its importance in the area of job creation, revenue generation, poverty alleviation and ... -
The Relationship Between Risk Taking and Performance of Small and Medium Agro Processing Enterprises in Kenya
(research gate, 2015-12)The element of risk taking in entrepreneurial orientation reflects calculated and manageable risks. Risk taking is a dominant attribute of entrepreneurship as the higher the risk-taking orientation, the higher a firm’s ... -
Investigation Into Sustainability Challenges Of The Youths Enterprises In Marsabit County, Kenya
(Researchjournali’s, 2015-01)The youths of Kenya forms a critical mass required by the nation to realize a middle level industrialized economy by the year 2030. For the youths to effectively contribute to this agenda they need to be economically ... -
Effect of Loan Collection Procedures and Loan Default in Microfinance Institutions in Kirinyaga County
(Global Journal Inc., 2016)This study examined the performance of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Kirinyaga County and particularly the women groups affiliated to the Institutions because they are registered as social welfare groups,(save for ... -
Intellectual Capital, Corporate Culture and Performance of Firms Listed on Nairobi Securities Exchange
(David Publishing, 2017)The broad objective of this study was to establish the moderating effect of corporate culture on the relationship between intellectual capital and organizational performance of firms listed on Nairobi Securities Exchange. ... -
Organizational Determinants of Choice of Sustainability Strategies Adopted by Group Ranches in Samburu County, Kenya
(International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 2018) -
Performance of Incubator Centres in Kenya: The Pivotal Role of Entrepreneurial Management
(International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 2018)Globally, countries are strategically positioning themselves for market leadership due to dynamic business environment. Entrepreneurial spirit is seen as the strategy that will deliver this agenda. This spirit, is believed ... -
Managing Workplace Diversity:A Kenyan Pespective
(International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2013-12)Workplace diversity is a must have for all organizations in a country incase they want to have social, economic and political gains.Diversity is generally said to mean acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing and ... -
Linking Human Resource Management to Knowledge Transfer for Organizational Development
(International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2013-09)Knowledge is a key element to all the Human Resources and a major reason as to why some companies do better than the others. The more knowledgeable employees are in the organization, the more competitive that organization ... -
The mediating effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the relationship between decision-making and firm performance in Kenya
(International Journal of Commerce and Management Research, 2017-08)Manufacturing firms are the single greatest contributors to industrialization and economic development. In Kenya, manufacturing firms contribute 14% of gross domestic product, train and employ 30% of the workforce, and ... -
Liking Evaluation of Public Relations Programmes to Efficiency of Measurement Approaches Applied
(International Journal of Innovative and Research Development, 2016-06)This study reviews the existing literature relevant to measurement approaches and evaluation of Public Relations programmes. The study examines and in brief explores efficiency of measurement approaches in evaluation of ... -
Users’ Perceptions on the Effectiveness of Enterprise Resource Planning System in Enhancing the Performance of Accounting Information Systems of Public Universities in Kenya
(Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 2015)The study employed a survey research design and a multinomial ordinal logistic regression analysis to establish users’ perception on the effectiveness of the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system in enhancing the ... -
Application and Practice of Sustainable Procurement in Kenya
(International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, 2015-12)Sustainable procurement isn’t simply about being “green” but it’s also about; socially and ethically responsible purchasing, minimizing environmental impact through the supply chain, delivering economically sound solutions ...