School of Business: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 221
Effect of Case Management on Access to Justice Strategy in Molo Law Courts of Nakuru County, Kenya
(Scholars Bulletin, 2018)Access to justice suffers a number of challenges and results to ineffective functioning of the justice system. Despite the existence of empirical studies on strategy implementation and strategic planning in the Judiciary, ... -
Assessment of Farmers’ Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change in Kenya: the Case of Kyuso District
(Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2012)The study was carried out to assess how farmers in Kyuso District have adapted to the effects of climate change. Survey data was collected from 246 farmers from six locations that were sampled out through a multistage and ... -
Drivers of Growth of Women-Owned Micro Enterprises in Meru Municipality, Kenya
(Scholars Middle East Publishers, 2016)The study aimed at assessing the drivers of growth of women-owned micro enterprises in Meru Municipality, Kenya. The study employed descriptive research design. Self administered questionnaires were used to collect data ... -
Environmental Determinant of Choice of Sustainability Strategies Adopted by Group Ranches in Samburu County, Kenya
(International Journal of Current Business and Social Sciences, 2017) -
Influence of Member Income on Table Banking Adoption Among Rural Households A survey of Machakos Country, Kenya
(Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2015)The purpose of the study was to assess influence of the income level on table banking adoption. The study was guided by social capital theory and employed descriptive survey and explanatory research design. The target ... -
Dynamic Adjustment Towards Target Capital Structure: Panel Evidence of Listed
(Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies, 2018)Trade-off theory of capital structure uses static and dynamic approach. The use of static approach has been prevalent. Despite the importance of dynamic capital structure the debate in Kenya is so far inconclusive. Therefore, ... -
The Effects of Relationship Banking and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Kenya.
(KCA Journal of Business Management., 2017)The purpose of the study was to determine if relationship banking, and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) affect the financial performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design ... -
Employee Engagement in Personal Health Programmes and Retirement Preparedness among Public Secondary School Teachers’ in Kirinyaga and Murang’a Counties, Kenya
(IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2019-03)The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) identified one health goal with over fifty health related targets applicable to all countries irrespective of development level. There is therefore indisputable need for retirement ... -
Employee Separation Planning and Retirement Preparedness of Secondary School Teachers in Kenya: What is the effect of HRM Practices?
(IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2019-03)Retirement preparedness is realized from a deliberate planning process for the perceived time when an individual exit employer organization. Although the process should start long before the actual separation, some employees ... -
Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Firm Performance of Kenya’s Agro Processing Small and Medium Enterprises
(IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2016-09)The study used Structural Equation Modeling partial least squares (SEM-PLS)to investigate the influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Firm Performance of Kenya’s Agro Processing SMEs. The study was undertaken on Agro ... -
Moderating Influence of Stakeholder Knowledge on the Relationship between Social Reporting and Sustainability Accounting in the Tea Sector in Mount Kenya Region
(International Business and Accounting Research Journal, 2019)In accounting, financial reporting dominantly focus on profits. There is growing pressure on social sensitivity of accounting. Sustainable Development Goals advocate for concern to the environment. Some researchers have ... -
Human Resource Competence and Performance of CDF Projects: A Case Study of Langata Constituency, Nairobi County
(International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business Administration, 2019-08-22)Effective strategy implementation is paramount in the performanceof any company as it is vital in realisingits strategic goals. The critical success factors of strategy implementation include ... -
Examining the Influence of Strategic Land Rehabilitation on Sustainable Entrepreneurship & Economic Development (A Case of Kilome – Kenyaland Reclamation)
(IJCEM International Journal of Computational Engineering & Management, 2015-03)This study sought to To examine the influence of land rehabilitation on sustainable economic development in Kilome, specifically studying how entrepreneurial attributes, entrepreneurial value of Kilome area resources, ... -
Effect of Global Sourcing Practices on Operational Perfomance of Textiles and Apparels Manufacturing Firms in Kenya
(International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology, 2017-05)Global sourcing is regarded by many companies as an important measure to enhance competitive advantages particularly in today’s globalized economy. The objectives of the study are to determine the global sourcing practices ... -
Integrated Financial Management Information System, Procurement Performance and Customer Satisfaction in the County Government of Nyeri
(International Journal Of Supply Chain Management, 2018)Public procurement has always been a big part of the developing countries‟ economy accounting for 10-40% of their Gross Domestic Products (GDPs).Public e-procurement involves the use of electronic communications and ... -
Testing for Cointegration and Granger Causality: Evidence from Selected Indigenous Egg Markets in Kenya
(Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research, 2016)Despite the increasing consumer demand for indigenous eggs, particularly among the urban rich in Kenya, empirical analysis of spatial market integration has received limited attention. This study is an attempt to analyze ... -
Interaction between Financial Risk Management and Value of the Firm among Private Equity Firms in Frontier Markets: A Theoretical Perspective
(Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies, 2019-05)Purpose: The study attempts to establish a theoretical basis for the interaction between financial risk management and value of the firm among private capital firms. Design and Methodology: The study was based on a theoretical ... -
Equity Unit Trust Funds Flow and Stock Market Returns: Evidence from Kenya
(Journal of Finance & Banking Studies, 2019-04-27)This study sought to evaluate the relationship between equity unit trust fund flows measured as purchases and sales and the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) stock market return. The study employed Vector Autoregressive ... -
Assessment of the Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Orientation, Organisational Culture Adaptability and Performance of Christian Faith-Based Hotels in Kenya
(International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge, 2019-03-15)Organisational culture has been the focus in both theory and practice and has captured attention throughout the last decade because of its substantial relationship between the concept itself and its outcomes such as gaining ... -
Influence of Strategic Physical Resources on Performance of Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises in Kenya
(International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research, 2019-05-13)Purpose This study sought to determine the influence of strategic physical resources on performance of small and medium manufacturing enterprises in Kenya. Anchored on the Resource Based View (RBV) theory the study ...